Virtuoso Musician and Actor


Photo Gallery 6 - Solo and with friends

John by Marjorie

John with his portrait by Marjory Boyle Crooks

Recorder and feather

That's not a recorder... THIS is a recorder!


John reacts to suggestions of using the Devil's Tritone in his latest composition

John with Fred Kelly

John with Fred Kelly, his trumpet teacher at Napier College

John meets John

Hey man, nice suit - John meets John from 25 years earlier

Two ballet composers

Two ballet composers relaxing at home

the Crumhorn Pixie

When lost in the jungle watch out for the Crumhorn Pixie

Pied Twin Piper Pixie

The Pied Twin Piper Pixie will carry off your rats and your children at the same time

the Trumpet Pixie

Fortunately you'll hear the Trumpet Pixie from a long way away...


...but if neccessary seek help from the nearest Gruffalo (that's the one on the right)

John and sheep

Johnny Sampson and the Bath Butcher's Shop Sheep

John and Hare

If it's ok for Jimmy Stewart it's ok for me!

With actor Jimmy Chisholm at a wedding

John with Patrick Siben

Orchestral manoeuvers - John with Patrick Siben of the Stuttgart Saloniker


If you're gonna wear a wig then do it properly!


An innovative but somewhat inefficient method of blowing the trumpet

trumpeter behind every tree

Don't walk in the Meadows at night - there's a trumpeter behind every tree!


I wonder if I'll still be playing this in 40 years time?

Pete and John

Pete Baines and John

With piper Professor Gary West


Beware fools and hobgoblins!

John with actress Edith MacArthur

Our Man in Havana

Our Man in Havana - John shares a Churchillian moment with friendly Cuban locals

Stuart Watson

One show to go - with Stuart Watson, MD on A Xmas Carol in Dundee

With artist Maggie Hambling in Aldeburgh

Berlin wall

John at the Berlin wall as it was coming down in 1989

Caprinton Horn

Playing the 2000 year old bronze Caprington Horn in Caprington Castle, Ayrshire.


John practices with his new acting coach

John with Frances Scott

Bruntsfield Baroque - John with Frances Scott at Inch House

John with Frances Scott

John with Bruntsfield Baroque colleague Frances Scott at Ross Priory, Loch lomond

John with the sculpture for the Thomas the Rhymer show

When does the Fairy Queen come to carry me off?

John with the sculpture of the Eildon Tree for the Thomas the Rhymer show

preparing to play recorder

Studied concentration - or has he nodded off?

Photo by Mark Marnie at the Netherbow theatre 2016